This is just the sweetest, most adorable couple ever! Willem and Nadine got married at Allesverloren in Riebeek West on a perfect April’s day and had the most gorgeous golden light during their couple shoot. Drool. (Okay Lindy, wipe your mouth and get back to writing the post!)
These two are hopelessly in love and radiate Jesus’s love from deep within. If there was one way to describe this wedding celebration it would be JOYOUS! Sjo- there was so much smiling and laughing through the course of the day that I am sure Willem and Nadine had stiff faces from smiling the whole time! But I knew this would be the case when I first shot their engagement shoot last year- there already these two couldn’t stop smiling and laughing!
Julle twee- mag Jesus se liefde aanhou deur julle skyn en mag julle nooit vergeet hoe veel Hy julle lief het nie! My gebede vir julle is dat julle elke dag meer en meer in Sy perfekte Wil en liefde sal groei en nooit ophou om saam te lag nie! Alles van die beste! Blessings xxx
Dankie aan Mari- my wonderlike en behulpsame helpertjie vir die dag. Jy was ‘n huge blessing!

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