I get to meet some of the best people through my job, and I am so glad I got to meet these two. Pierre and Mercia are seriously some of THE nicest folk you will ever meet! They are sweet, friendly and just incredible people’s people! To do their wedding was such a privilege, because it meant that not only did I get to spend the whole day with these two lovely, lovely individuals, but I also got to see their family again too. I met Mercia’s family roughly a year ago, when I shot her brother Joe’s wedding in Tulbach. (To see Joe and Anet’s wedding pictures please click here.) And my goodness, such amazing people! Down to earth and friendly from beginning to end.
Pierre and Mercia tied the knot just outside of Stellenbosch at Nooitgedacht, and what wonderful celebration it was. Just like Pierre and Mercia, their guests were genuinely nice people who were full of fun and ready to honour the love that the couple had found. Although the wind was blowing quite considerably, it was still a beautiful scenic day that made for some pretty pictures. Besides not even the strong wind could could dim the excitement and love that these two felt on the day. :)
Aan die wonderlike couple Pierre en Mercia; ‘n 1000 dankies vir die ongelooflike mense wat julle is en die amazing tyd saam met julle! Julle was ‘n fees om mee te werk en dit was rerig so groot voorreg om deel te kon wees van julle dag. Mag jul huwelik ‘n baie gelukkige en geseende ene wees vol van God se rykste seën en genade. Ek hoop jul vriendskap gaan net aan hou groei en groei, en dat julle nooit sal ophou lag nie…en natuurlik die awesome mensies wees wat julle is nie! ;)
Baie liefde en blessings xxx
Dankie ook aan Mari wat my geassisteer het vir die dag. Jy was ‘n groot hulp gewees! :)

Onbeskryflik mooi!!! Soveel vreugde en harte wat oorloop met liefde!! kan nie ophou kyk nie!!!
Dis die MOOISTE foto’s van die MOOISTE couple!! elke oomblik van die amazing dag soo perfek vasgevang!!xxx