What a funky couple! Oh my goodness, and so much fun too! Nick and Kerryn got married at Webersburg near Stellenbosch, and celebrated their glorious wedding day with all their close friends and family who are all just as fun and funky as they are. I’ve never seen so many people with tattoos who passionately serve the Lord! It was awesome! Years ago, after Nick got saved He prayed and asked God for a dark haired girl that likes all the same stuff he does especially heavy metal music such as the type his band played. He then met Kerryn, a gorgeous blonde haired girl who was the absolute opposite of what he had been praying for…and it soon became apparent the God knew better and wanted to bless Nick with an even greater gift than He could have thought out for himself! Nick and Kerryn are incredibly compassionate people who invest a lot of time and love into the people around them, with the result that the people that surround them, deeply love and respect them for it.
Thanks you two for a wonderful day spent with you! May God continue to grow and bless your relationship with each other, others and ultimately with Him. I know he has amazing plans for you and I pray he blesses your ministry together! Stay cool and keep shining your light!
love xxx

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