The night before Caitlyn and Hendrik’s engagement shoot I had the typical photographers nightmare. I dreamt that on their shoot the sky was terribly dark, and thus there was not enough light to get nice photos. On top of that that we also ran out of time! (In my dream) the shoot was an absolute flop with only 2 photo’s to give a very disappointed couple! :( I woke up in a cold sweat and then breathed one massive sigh of relief…it was only a dream! The sigh was even bigger when we arrived at Koel Baai on Sunday evening and I saw what amazing light we had! Phew! Thank you Lord! :)
It was such a priveledge hanging out with Caitlyn and Hendrik and getting to know them better. I know so many people who know them and speak about them fondly- but finally I had the opportunity to get to know them for myself! And wow, what a blessing! Caitlyn and Hendrik, thank you for a wonderful afternoon- I thoroughly enjoyed spending it with you two! And I am also really looking forward to capturing those special moments on your wedding day next year! Every blessing xxx

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