Whilst I was home this last while I spotted some beautiful dark horses in our neighbours veld. Immediately I pictured this shoot in my head! So I phoned our neighbours and asked them if they would mind if I did a shoot with these stunning creatures! They said it was perfectly fine- but what they forgot to mention was that there was a raving mad and tempremental male ostrich in the very same camp! I first discovered this horrid dilema when I went to do the test shoot, and the darn thing came running at me, shouting horrible ostrich obscenities (I don’t speak ostrich- but I could imagine what was going through its head!) Luckily I was still safely behind the fence, on our side of the boundary! But this ostrich was dangerous, posing a huge problem and standing in the way of these pictures I so badly wanted to get!
Fortunetly my dad came to my rescue and we devised a plan to lure the ostrich into another camp, so we could close the gate and Adel and I would be free to do the shoot danger free. But before this genius plan eventually worked out- the bird first decided it would charge my dad and the farm worker! With only a branch in his hand standing between him and the large foul’s kicking legs- my dad and the farm worker managed to escape without getting hurt and after a dramatic struggle they eventually got the bird into the other camp! SO for the sake of my dad’s tremendous effort I hope you enjoy these pics!

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