Jacques and Maryke are one of those ridiculously photogenic and fun couples which make any photographers job a breeze! Quirky, spontaneous, beautiful and so in love! Perfection!
As their wedding gift, I thought I would bless my dear friends with an engagement shoot. But you see, my friends being who they are, blessed me in return without even knowing it! Spending time with Jacques and Maryke, one can’t help walking away feeling refreshed and encouraged in the Word. We went through to Maryke’s gorgeous beach house in Franskraal on the monday evening, hoping to catch the sunset for part 1 of the shoot. But mr sun was being hidden by thick rain clouds and was blown away by the freezing cold wind that had picked up! So we rather decided to go home and relax by a nice warm fire with good food and wine! The Tuesday morning we got up early and ventured out into the windy overcast day, that although first appeared to be miserable, showed promise of clearing!
We did not stop laughing and talking the whole way through the shoot! More than anything it was just a good visit with friends, with a camera in my hand! Jark & Maryks, ek kan nie wag vir julle troue in Februarie nie- julle gaan die mooiste foto’s maak! Dankie vir julle vriendskap en die wonderlike tyd in Franskraal! Ek’s baie lief vir julle! xx

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