Nicolas and Anelda are the sweetest couple! Not only are they friendly, caring and cute- but they have great taste in music too!
(They introduced me to the Lumineers- which are now my new favourite band! )
When we met at the bottom of Chapmans peak’s parking lot, it was warm and the wind didn’t appear to be much of a threat. However, it was a completely different story when we got higher up! A bit under prepared for the ice cold gale force winds, we froze our toes off pretty much the WHOLE way through the shoot! But Nicolaas and Anelda were such troopers- always smiling and ready to do what was asked of them!
Julle tweetjies- ek sien baie uit vir julle troue in Junie! Dankie vir ‘n wonderlike tydjie saam!
Thanks too, to my gorgeous assistant Fiona Clair who got hyperthermia in order for us to get some cool shots!

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