Wow wow wow- the Free State is too beautiful for words! The landscape, the light, the people – everything about it was just stunning! One of the first weddings I ever shot on my own was the gorgeous forest wedding of my friends Johan and Rianza (to view click here). Little did I know back then that I would one day be shooting Johan’s brothers wedding. Theunis married the adorable love of his life, Adri, at Lavender Hills near Bethlehem in the Free State. I flew up to Johannesburg on the Friday, got a lift with some of the bridal couple’s guests to Bethlehem and found myself welcomed with open arms when we arrived at the venue for the evening’s braai. Theunis and Adri’s family are really such friendly, outgoing people so it was nice chatting to them and observing their wonderful sense of family, and how well they all get along with one another!
Their wedding day was truly a scenic one and I spazzed out a bit when I saw the beautiful light we had for the couple shoot, and how gorgeous the surroundings looked because of it! Now place a beautiful, in-love couple in the midst of all that natural beauty and voilà- you have a photographers dream! As beautiful as the Western Cape is- it was nice shooting in a completely different terrain and I would love to go back to the Free State- even if it was just to get landscape shots!
Adri en Theunis, so baie dankie vir al julle moeite en die voorreg om deel te kon wees van julle dag van vreugde! Julle is ‘n stunning couple en my gebed vir julle is dat die vriendskap en liefde wat julle vir mekaar het net meer en meer sal groei in God se liefde en genade! Blessings xxx

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