So I’ve been delayed a bit in blogging this- but this week has been a hectic one so far, and I only now got the chance to blog this gorgeous family’s shoot.
A little while back I was in the Free State to shoot the wedding of Theunis and Adri. Hearing that I was going to be shooting her cousins wedding- Nantie asked me if it would be at all possible to photograph her gorgeous family the day after the wedding, if there would be time of course. As it worked out- there was, and so we headed off to an outcrop of colourful Cosmos flowers and I snapped away the adorableness that is the van Aswegen family!
Nantie and Danie are a lovely couple that have the two cutest and most adorable little daughters, Nika and Karli. Much love and laughter can be seen and heard as they interact and it’s a beautiful sight to see the gift of family being enjoyed and appreciated so freely! Children are one of God’s greatest blessings and there couldn’t be two more deserving people than Nantie and Danie! blessings xxx

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