It had been raining in Stellenbosch for quite a couple of days so we planned to go to a little coffee shop in Strand on this day, living the life of a photographer where public holidays are just normal days we didn’t think that the coffee shop would be closed. Luckily my assistant’s cousin lives on Ernie Else’s Wine Farm and they very kindly allowed us to shoot there. I am actually very happy with how everything turned out because it ended up being an absolutely stunning day and we had such a blast in the heat. Lindsay and Hein absolutely adore each other and it was so easy to shoot away around them as they stared into each other’s eyes. I know they day didn’t start of the way we wanted it definitely ended in a beautiful sunset with a beautiful couple.
Lindsay and Hein ek wens julle al die beste vir wat voorle, ek is seker julle groot dag gaan asemrowend wees. xx

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