This is one of those wedding where you look at the bride and she is just glowing! Radiantly beautiful with joy and peace, for by her side is a man who loves and cherishes her. A man who is principled, honourable and who she loves. Together they love God and the people around them with all they have. Franske and Melanie are such wonderful folk and being part of their wedding was a great privilege!
They got married at the gorgeous Hidden Valley wine farm and were blessed with the best weather for a shoot! Although it got rather nippy when the sun set- these two braved the coolness and did a decent bit of hiking to get to where we needed to be for the couple shoot! Joy just bubbles from Melanie and her smile is so contagious- you can’t help but feel the corner of your mouth curve up into a smile. No wonder Franske dotes on her so much!
Julle tweet’jies dankie vir die geleentheid om deel te wees van julle spesiaale dag! Mag julle getroude lewe gevul wees met Jesus se groot genade, vreugde en liefde. Julle liggies skyn helder vir Hom, en dit is pragtig om te sien! Blessings en liefde xxx
Dankie weereens aan my assistent Adel, wie baie gehelp het deur om die dekor foto’s te neem terwyl ek die seremonie geshoot het! Jy’s ‘n stêr!

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