What a special couple this is! I got to know Gerrit & Ilona through church and can testify to what a remarkable blessing they are in people’s lives. One of the lovely lady’s in the church, who’s life has been influenced by these two, decided to bless them with a couple shoot. At first it took us a really long time to find a time to schedule the shoot. Between me being busy with weddings on weekends and Gerrit working during the week, we just didn’t seem to find a time that suited us all three at once. A good couple of months later an opening came up on my weekend schedule and we could eventually do this long awaited shoot. it turned our that it fell on their dating anniversary- so that was something special!
These two are so passionate about life and have so much positive energy, its hard not to walk away smiling once you’ve been in contact with them. Their love for the Lord and the joy within their hearts, and in their smiles has a way of encouraging and uplifting you! Gerrit en Ilona- dankie vir wie julle is as ‘n paartjie en dat julle toelaat dat die Here jul gebruik in sulke ongelooflike maniere in Sy koninkryk. Baie liefde en blessings xxx

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