This is one incredible family who has been through a lot. But here they are, smiling! Proof that no matter what life throws at you, you can overcome through Christ who strengthens you. They are resilient, they are beautiful, they are strong and they are dearly loved by God and by the people around them. I tried to bless them with a family portrait shoot, but at the end of the day I think they blessed me more with their strength and hope! Dankie julle vir die ongelooflikke testimony wat julle deel met mense. Dit was vir my baie sleg om te hoor oor julle verlies, die stryd teen kanker en ander siektes en ook al die harsteer- maar ek weet Ons God is ‘n goeie God en hy gaan ‘n pad deur die wilderness maak vir julle! En soos Ben Howard sê; “Keep your head up, keep your heart strong!”
Dink aan julle! xxx

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