As I mentioned previously, I love Spring! Nature seems to come alive with different colours and bursts at the seams with life and excitement. That’s pretty much how I felt too when I discovered this awesome red barn and the cool field full of canola flowers on an afternoon of location scouting! I just realised again that South Africa is just too freaking beautiful and has got so much to offer. I am really blessed to be living in Stellenbosch, which in my opinion is one of the prettiest places in the whole of South Africa. An added bonus is that I get to work with some phenomenally cool people. Cool people such as Willem and Nadine!
I absolutely loved loved loved working with this couple! Fun and joy just seems to overflow from within! Willem and Nadine are such lovely people who are really so easy to get along with and we were laughing and joking the whole way through the shoot! Baie dankie julle tweetjies vir ‘n wonderlike tyd saam julle! Ek sien so uit na jul troue!
Dankie aan Maryks dat jy geassisteer het, jy is dierbaar vriendin!

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