When I landed in Port Elizabeth on the Thursday afternoon- the weather looked quite promising. The Friday morning, it was on the change and by Saturday- although the weather was gloomy I was sure it was going to hold. Which it did most of the day until we got to the couple shoot. The moment we arrived on location and I opened the car door it was as if someone cued the rain to fall. And it came a falling very generously!! So we waited it out for a while in the car, until the worst rain died down and we could venture outside without our umbrella being ripped from our hands by the strong wind. For the rest of the couple shoot session we were chased around by the unpredictable weather man, which resulted in very little shooting time.
Dylan and Aimee are currently living in Singapore but decided to tie the knot in their home town, PE, where all their friends and family could join in the festivities! Aim’s and Dyl as they are affectionately referred to by their loved ones, are long time friends who know each other inside out! They know just how to make each other laugh and feel comfortable- which was wonderful to see! Once we were out of the horrible weather and in The Plantations warm reception hall- we could all relax and thaw a little bit whilst the formalities took place. Once that was over Aimee and Dylan could enjoy the rest of the evening with their guests and partied up a storm!
Aimee and Dylan- May you have many more adventures together and may your friendship and love grow even deeper with every day that passes! God bless xxx

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