Karoo mense bly maar net lekker mense! Every time I think back to this wedding I just smile- we had such a great time with these amazing folk in Aberdeen! Gosh!
Natasha and I made our road trip up to Aberdeen on the Friday morning, and drove along the long, straight and monotonous stretches of the N1- stopping every so often at one of the many stop-and-go’s or pulling over to take some pictures! Although the N1 is long and monotonous- it is also the way home for me…Only 3 hours further and I could have been on our farm in Kommadagga!
Instead we went to Wilma’s home, a gorgeous little farm on the outskirts of Aberdeen. And with the friendly welcome we got, it felt as if we were home! Genuine, down to earth and fun- are some of the words that come to mind when I think of the Rich’s and their new son-in-law. After a braai and a bit of planning for the next day, Tash and I went back to our guest house in Aberdeen- which is run by Basil and Mabel. Sweet old Karoo folk with lots of interesting stories and quirks that will get you smiling, either with them or the situation you find yourself in.
We awoke to the most dramatic Karoo sky- filled with massive thunderstorm clouds…and I got excited! If they stayed where they were…(at a distance)…then it would make for some epic shots! And thankfully they did!
The wedding was a small and intimate one, attended by only their closest friends and family- and filled with lots of emotion. It was also nice to see some of my friends familiar faces there that I hadn’t seen in a while! Craig and Wilma are loads of fun to be around and their little son, Liam, is just the cutest little thing!!! We had such a blast with them and were honoured to share such a big part of their special day!
Craig and Wilma- thank you for being the lovely people that you are! May your marriage be a super blessed one filled with lots of love, happiness and special memories! Blessings xxx
Thanks to Natasha, my P.A., friend and roadie on this trip!

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