Where to even start typing this blogpost?! Sjo! What an incredible wedding of the two most amazing people I get to call friends! Jan Daniel and Stephanie are such phenomenal people who I have the world of respect for. Stephanie moved in with me at the beginning of the year and very quickly crawled deep into a special place in my heart! Positive, kind, fun, wise, loyal and genuine- Stefanzel, as she was affectionately referred to, was one of the biggest blessings in our house this year. By coming to visit Stephanie regularly,we also got to know JD a bit better too, his hoovering abilities and his “old man from Mitchell’s plain” accent always provided us with much entertainment!
I was really honoured to be there the night JD proposed to Stephanie and the 3 of us celebrated the momentous occasion in our garden with a bottle of champers that JD shook like he won the formula 1! Wedding plans were set in motion and the perfect day was arranged to be held at the enchanting venue, Kleinplasie, near Bredasdorp. Natasha Taljard, my brilliant assistant covered their whole day superbly and I was lucky enough to do their couple shoot and then return to being a guest afterwards. (To view Natasha’s pictures of this gorgeous couples beautiful day please click here.)
I couldn’t help but smile with tears of joy in my eyes, when I saw my pretty friend walk down the aisle towards the perfect man for her. Their love for God is so evident and their lifestyles show that they live out their faith every moment of everyday! They place a high value on friends and family- and one can see why when you look at the amazing calibre of loved ones that surrounded them on their special day. They treat each other with such love and respect- always looking out for the others best interest.
Julle twee’tjies… ek wens net God se beste en rykste seën oor julle huwelik en lewens!! Ek weet dat julle so ‘n groot verskil gaan maak in Sy Koningkryk en dat julle sal aanhou groei in liefde en karakter deur om tyd in Sy Woord te spandeer. Ek is baie lief vir julle en sien uit na nog baie jare se vriendskap en goeie tye saam julle! Blessings xxx

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