I often arrive a lil’ early for a wedding, but never before have I arrived THIS early. Like a whole day early. There was a bit of miscommunication between myself and Caity about the “weekend of the 28th”. I assumed they would get married on the Saturday (the 28th), but they instead got married on the Sunday (the 29th). Anyhow you know what they say about assuming?! Luckily I was a day early and not late! Hehe- imagine! Eeek, I’d rather not- that’s the stuff my nightmares are made of!!
There’s one advantage about being from a farm in the Eastern Cape…and that is that you kind of know of a lot of people. Even if you have never met them in person before you would have heard of them. And conversation would go something like; “You know the “so and so’s” who farm on “this farm” near “such and such”. This was the case with the Pringles. I had never really met them but knew they farmed near Bedford and were lovely folk. After I left Fairholt that weekend I felt that I didn’t just know of them, but as if I had known them for a very long time. Such down to earth, easy going people who are super friendly and welcoming! Caity is just the sweetest, most loveable bundle of sunshine- I don’t think she has an enemy in the world! She is far too much of a darling! And she has found her “unicorn” in Phil. The one she always admired, but never thought she could get. Smart, funny and kind- Phil compliments Caity so well- and together they are just perfect!
Both the Pringles and the Hirds are amazing families and it was so special to see how close they all are! The day was a wonderful coming together of friends and family from near and far, and the farm was looking so nice and green! The speeches were some of the funniest, and best said that I had heard in a while and when I left to drive back home- the party seemed to have gotten started “good and proper” as one would say in the Eastern Cape. It was when I got home later that night that I discovered that a spider (and his four friends) had during the day somewhere had a “good and proper” party on my leg too, with 5 bites that were red and swollen. (Not a pretty sight I tell you.)
Caity and Phil, may your marriage be SO blessed! Thank you for your open, friendly hearts and for being who you are! It was a privilege to have met you and shared the day with you and your loved ones! All the best! xxx

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