What a cool couple! They are some of those easy going folks, who are so relaxed and comfortable and an absolute feast to be around! I first got to enjoy the cuteness that is Janette and Werner, when I photographed their engagement shoot a while back (click here to view). These two lovely people got married at the charming Knorhoek just outside of Stellenbosch, on a day superbly coordinated by the talented ladies of Blank Canvas Event Designs. Glorious weather was ordered (and delivered) for the occasion, and they tied the knot under the shade of beautiful oak trees surrounded by their close friends and family.
We slipped away for some sunset photo’s, and upon our return found the gate locked with no way around. We tried to phone (no signal there), pressed just about every single button on the gates contact thingy, and when we got no answer… slipped into a mild panic. When would people realize we were gone for too long and come looking for us? Or would they just go on partying without the bride and groom who’s wedding they were attending? And just as Werner was about to jump over the wall and walk to find someone to let us in, a car came driving at one heck of a speed to activate the gates motion detector and open up for us! Praise the Lord! Someone heard us!! The bride and groom could finally return to their own party!
Werner en Janette- dankie vir ‘n super lekker tyd saam julle! Julle is pragtige mense wat so mooi by mekaar pas, en julle gesinne is net so dierbaar! Mag julle huwelik ‘n fees wees van ongelooflike goeie tye, lekker lag, vrede, liefde en geloof. Alles van die beste vir julle pad voorentoe. Blessings xxx
Dankie Xandra vir al jou assisteering op die dag en jou vriendelike gesiggie wat altyd gereed staan met ‘n glimlag!

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