Sjo. This was one remarkable weekend from beginning to end. It was so eventful and blessed that I don’t even know where to start typing this blog post! From the humble and entertaining lift from Lanseria airport with the pastor, his wife and Robbie Wessels, to the incredible Free State scenery, to meeting the awesome godly couple of the weekend and their amazing families, to going for the most incredible horse ride I’ve ever been on, and then to top it all off witnessing the goosebump experience of hearing and watching a hundred horses stampede past you. It was AWESOME! I loved every moment of this weekend, and I just once again realised how blessed I am to have a job that allows me to travel and meet the most phenomenal people!
SG and Lizet are one of those down to earth couples, who have an amazing way of making you feel right at home within the first few moments of meeting them. Family orientated, humble, friendly and bucket loads of fun, these two enrich the lives of whosoever comes in contact with them. The calibre of friends and family that surround them give testimony to the wonderful people that they are. The day was a celebration of the way the Lord has brought, and kept them together and was filled with so many special moments. I think it’s safe to say that every single guest had a great time!
SG en Lizet, dankie! dankie! dankie! is al wat ek kan se. Julle is ‘n besonderse mooi couple en ek het die naweek saam julle buitensporig geniet! Mag julle vriendskap en liefde vir mekaar aan hou groei in God se genade en liefde, en mag Hy julle in ‘n ongelooflike manier gebruik! Julle is blessed! xxx

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