I cannot even begin to tell you how cool this couple is! Oh. MY. Word.
Such phenomenal people…And I get to go with them to Italy in July in order to photograph their insanely beautiful wedding there!!! EEEK!!! Such a gorgeous couple in front of my lens in one of my favourite countries ever… this is an absolute dream come true for me!! I am BEYOND myself with excitement!!!
Ok let me calm down and tell you why this is such a cool couple…
So I’ve known Gawie for sometime now, and he is one of those all round nice guys who can make any awkward situation disappear just by being his cool, charismatic self. Not only that but he is one incredible entrepreneur who is successfully running a handful of businesses. I only recently got to meet his gorgeous fiance Loraine- and wow, what a lovely, lovely lady! Not only is she beautiful but intelligent, funny and a whole lot of fun- and they compliment each other so well. Their love for God and passion for people is so real and evident that you come away changed after having spent just 5 min with them! Armed with a luminous bright future, this powerhouse couple is still going to do amazing things and I can’t wait to see what it is.
Dankie julle twee vir die blessing wat julle is vir my en so veel ander om julle! Ek geniet elke oomblik van die kuier as ek saam julle is, en sien SO uit na ons tydjie saam in Italie in Julie! La dolce vita!

stunning – these have to be the best photos i have seen that captures the essence of this special couple – well done lindy!