Ah man- I get to meet the coolest people on my job! Mario and Minke are so much fun to be around and their wedding day, which was held in the surrounds of Minke’s home town Montagu, was a truly special one! Their ceremony took place in an old shed on their farm that they renovated into a chapel for the service. Friends and family helped wherever they could, as is the tradition with farm weddings. And when it came to the party everyone had a turn on the dancefloor and partied up a storm!
Minke en Mario- dankie vir die lekker mense wat julle is! Dit was so ‘n voorreg om deel te kon wees van julle groot dag. My gebed is dat die Here vir julle daagliks sal wys hoe om vir mekaar die beste huweliksmaat te wees en dat julle nooit sal ophou lag nie! Grootse blessings xxx
Thanks too to Tash- my ol’ good and faithful friend and assistant

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