Where to even start with writing this post? SUCH lovely folk these are- wow!
This last wedding season has been such a busy one but I really can’t complain because it has meant that I get to work with amazing people like Aldo and Marizel! Down to earth, SUPER nice and just all round happy people! What a privilege to share the day with these wonderful folk and all their family and friends! The two love-birds got married at Zorgvliet Wine farm, which lies under the foot of the Simonsberg mountain- and my, oh my what gorgeous weather we ended up having! Even though the day started out cold and rain-threatening, the sun broke through at around lunch time and from then on we had delightful weather.
After doing their engagement shoot last year (to view click here) and getting to know them a bit better, I knew that their wedding was going to be so special and divine to photograph…I mean which photographer wouldn’t be happy with having such stunning models in front of their lens?
Aldo en Marizel- ek wens net vir julle die beste toe in julle huweliks paadtjie. Ek weet die Here stap saam julle en sal julle elke dag lei in die pad voorentoe! Dankie vir ‘n lekker dag saam met julle! Blessings xxx
Dankie aan Adel, my staatmaker en assistent vir die dag! Altyd so lekker om saam jou te werk! :)

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