What absolute sweethearts these two are! Not only are are Divan and Jana head over heels in love with one another but they are the sweetest people around too. They’re jolly nice folk who are just too photogenic for their own good! My Word! (Look through these pics and you’ll see what I’m talking about) I’m sure Jacques Greyling and his video-graphing team would say the same. :)
These two love birds got married on a f-e-ree-zing cold day at the scenic Beau Constantia Wine farm in Cape Town. The original plan was to have the ceremony outside in the courtyard, but bad weather meant that plan B had to be put into action, and everything was moved inside. The weather held out for most of the couple shoot though (luckily!) but by the time we headed home the heavens opened up good and proper. The 3om from the venue to the car was more than enough time for me and Adel to get absolutely soaking wet whilst running for cover. And driving home was done at a very slow pace because we struggled to see the road it was raining so hard.
Jana and Divan thanks for a wonderful time with you, I thoroughly enjoyed every moment of it. I am so excited for you marriage, and pray it will be a blessed one with an abundance in joy,peace, patience and unconditional love. Thanks again for being the wonderful people that you are and for holding out in the cold for the pics. :) You’re the best!
A massive thanks to Adel for all your help on the day too. Jy is maar net die coolste! :)

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