I can’t believe my brother is married!! To one of my dearest friends!!! :) :) My heart just wanted to burst with pride on their wedding day. When I listened to my brothers wedding vows, I couldn’t help but think: “Sjoe Lord- what an amazing manly man.” Andrew is a man of principle, integrity and character. Dedicated to doing the right thing no matter how difficult it is, and always out to respect and honour those around him. He has a great sense of humour and is one of the most loyal friends you will ever find. I remember praying, and asking God to bless him with a wonderful wife- who will bring out the best in him, and look after him the way he needs to be looked after and treasured. And God answered my prayer. Not only did he provide my handsome brother with the most amazing, caring and delightful bride- but he also blessed me with a wonderful friend. Berta is sweet and kind, always ready to lend a listening ear or shoulder to cry on. She loves the Lord and has a fun spirited nature which brings out the best in Andrew.
My dad gave a really special sermon on the day, while my mom saw to it that we all ate ridiculously good food…the whole weekend. :) I had the unique privilege of shooting the bridal and couple shoot part of their wedding, while my trusty assistant and good friend Natasha covered the rest. (You can go have a look at the rest of their wedding pics by clicking here.) Such a special day, such a special couple- and such a special testimony!
You two, there are no word to describe how blessed I am to have you in my life. Thank you for the amazing people you are, and for sharing your amazingness with those around you! ;)
May your marriage be blessed one, in which the Lord remains the cornerstone. May he lead you into a deeper love and understanding, not only with one another, but also with Him. May he continue to guide your life decisions and give you the strength and energy to serve him always. I love you both so much! All my love xxx

Very nice Lindy.
I am so sorry i couldnt be there for this special occasion. So happy for andrew, he deserves everything that comes to him. two point THOUGH. Manly man sums up andrew look at those hands! well worked, your dad would be proud! however Andrews “pout” is priceless!
The photography ISN’T too shabby either ;)
Lindy dis soooo mooi!!!! well done! en baie geluk Andrew en berta. Mag julle altyd so verlief bly.
talentvolle truters!!! truter #1 (agteri lens), truter #2 (sexy boer) en truter#3 (plaasvrou vani jaar) – wat ‘n fantastiese kombinasie van truters, so beeldskoon en talentvol. lindy, jyt regtig die twee spesiale mense (eintlik nog onse lewendige kids :) se liefde so mooi vasgevang en hul eie self. bertie, daardie wimpers, wow, begeer hul hoor!