Anton and Samantha are originally from South Africa, but now live in Australia, where they got married a while back. Wanting to celebrate their union with their close South African friends and family too, they came over in the spring of this year for their second reception. Because Perth is so flat- these two insisted that they wanted to find a venue that displayed the glorious Western Cape mountains. Zorgvliet was decided upon, just outside of Stellenbosch, and what a glorious display of the mountains it has indeed! :)
This is such a great couple, full of beans and all sorts of fun and laughter. Down to earth and not easily phased, they were a delight to work with! Sam and Anton, thanks so much for a wonderful time spent with you. May your marriage be a blessed one full of love, laughter and an ever deepening friendship! All my love and blessings xxx
Thanks to Adel who was my wonderful assistant for the day! Jy was great- dankie Dadel! :)

That is sooooooo cool…… vEry nice