This will be my last post for 2014 as I will be heading home to Kommadagga on Wednesday, and there unfortunately the words “fast”, “working”and “internet” are never used together. This will also be a time off for me to spend with my famdamily on the farm, where I hope to rest it out as much as I possibly can before heading back into a busy wedding season in the new year.
Having said that, meet the Carinus family! :) A gorgeous, and very down to earth lot of people who live on a stunnings farm in the Devon Valley area of Stellenbosch. Piet and Izette are the owners of the very stylish and popular Landtscap wedding venue as well as Leipzig, the trending floral and décor design company for events.
I think the reason their two businesses do so well is because they are such friendly, and humble people. Yes, their work and their venue is fantastic but they are so great to work with that your whole experience there is a pleasant one! Just spending the afternoon with them on their farm was a refreshing experience. Because regardless of all they’re involved in, they are such down to earth, “normal” people that one immediately is able to identify with them.
Their kids Elsa and Johan are too cute, and are two very busy little bodies! Johan had to be coaxed into having photo’s taken by asking, “Wil jy Spur toe gaan?” and Elsa didn’t need much coaxing at all. Klapper- their adorable wire-haired miniature dachshund is just the cutest thing on 4 legs- and is the perfect hairy friend for the kids!
Aan die Carinus gesin, Dankie vir ‘n fantastiese tyd saam met julle! Wat ‘n voorreg om julle te kon ontmoet en saam met julle te werk! Hoop julle kry ook darem ‘n rus kansie hierdie fees seisoen! :)
blessings xxx
Thanks to Dale who assisted me on the shoot. You’re a star! :)

Dankie Lindy die fotos is besonders mooi, ek kan glad nie eers my gunsteling kies nie. Weereens baie baie dankie jy maak my n baie trotse ma as ek na my mooi familie kyk !!!
someone sent me the link to your website. As the breeder of the mini wire Klapper, It is wonderful to see her featured so often in the family photos, Living on such a beautiful estate with a very loving family. I believe she and Elsa are best of friends and it’s lovely to see her adding so much joy to their lives.
Kindest regards, Debbi de Jong (wildervale mini wires) xx