How gorgeous is this happy family?? I had such a great time on the farm with the Dreyers. They are such lovely, “plat op die aarde, mens mense!” Wiehan and Erin are wonderful parents to little Ben and Stefan, who respectively are just the cutest lil’ snookims to be found! Baby Ben has the biggest, most inquisitive eyes and the older Stefan has got energy for days! In fact most of the shoot Stefan was running around with his play gun shooting birds, so that he could make bird biltong for us.
Aan die Dreyers, baie dankie vir die spesiale tyd saam met julle. Mag die Here jul family beskerm en seen sodat julle altyd bewus sal wees van Sy goedheid en genade! Baie blessings xxx
Thanks to Dale who assisted me with the shoot! You were great! :)

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