I know Stephanie from way back when. That way back when, being when we were little piekiniens in junior school in Somerset East. A lot of time has passed in between, and life took us on different paths, but eventually made our paths cross again for Stephanie’s wedding in Cradock. It was so great catching up again and seeing how much each of us have grown up since we last saw one another. She made the most beautiful bride- and looked so radiant in her wedding dress.
Werner and Stephanie got married at Blomfontein (the same venue that my brother and Berta got married at two weeks before)- so luckily I knew my way around the place when it came to looking for spots for their couple shoot. Just as it was nearing time to go to the chapel though, a thick dark cloud of rain threatened the proceedings. But luckily as with most Karoo thunderstorms- the rumble was dramatic but the shower quick. And just as quickly as it came, it disappeared over the horizon again leaving us worry free of finding places to shelter us from its fury. The storm not only disappeared but cleared the air for the most glorious golden light during the couple shoot!
Werner and Stephanie are a relaxed, and easy going couple who suit each other so well. It was so great meeting their families too, who are all such nice folk and well liked in the community. Sadly Stephanie’s grandad passed away shortly after their wedding. He was a very loved old man with a great sense of humour, and always had a naughty sparkle in his eye. My most sincere and heartfelt condolences to the Botha’s and their loved ones for their loss.
Aan die Botha’s Ek bid die Here se vrede en genade oor julle, en vra dat hy sy groot arms om julle vou in hierdie hartseer tyd.
Aan Stephanie en Werner, mag jul huwelik ‘n baie geseende ene wees gevul met soveel vreugde, pret en liefde. Dankie vir ‘n heerlike dag in die Cradock berge saam julle. Julle is net die beste! :)
Dankie ook aan Dale vir jou hulp op die dag. Jy’s ‘n ster! ;)

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