This was one of the best weddings I have ever been to, without a doubt! From beginning to end it just testified of God’s goodness and grace. Matthew and Sarah are close friends of mine, who I have come to love dearly over the years. I have so much respect for both of them as individuals, and as the wonderful couple that they are. Wise, principled, and godly- they just radiate Jesus’s love to all those around them.
I, along with 5 other amazing ladies, had the massive privilege of being one of Sarah’s bridesmaids. I can’t tell you how proud I was on the day of my beautiful friend, and the graceful way she went about everything. To me she personified what the bride of Christ should be like. Radiant with beauty from the inside and out, completely at peace, full of joy and expectancy, and above all- ready. Knowing exactly the godly man her husband is, and that God has brought them together to bring glory to His name- she could not wait to walk down the isle.
This all brings one massive smile to my face as I see how perfect these two are for one another. And I think all the guests felt the same on the day. We all had such a great time, because the atmosphere that was created by these two fantastic humanoids and their crazy (but absolutely cool families), allowed everyone to relax and enjoy the day with them despite the rather ridiculous heat!
My friend Natasha captured the whole day beautifully (to view her pics please click here) and I got to go along for the couple shoot to capture these shots for them.
Matt and Se- thank you for the honour of being called your friend, and for being a part of your lives. I am a better person because of you, and a happier one for all the great times we get to spend together. I love you and pray God’s richest blessings over your marriage. May you grow closer to one another as you grow closer to Him.
All my love and blessings xxx

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