This was one refreshingly unique wedding. Daniël and Maretha got married in the morning, had a yummy lunch time reception and scheduled their couple shoot in the late afternoon when all the guests had gone home, which meant we had the best golden light a photographer could ever ask for! :) Apart from the routine being different- they also had some other cool ideas. Their wedding cake was a piñata- (which I think is the best and most original idea I have seen in a long time for a cake), their flowers all came from Maretha’s bridesmaids garden, and the old Citroen DS that drove Maretha to the church has been in their family since before she can remember. It also drove her other 3 sisters to their weddings over the years, and has the most insane hydropneumatic suspension.
There were so many other factors that made this a great wedding to shoot- but I think the one that stands out the most is that fact that Daniël and Maretha are such amazing people. They are genuine, down-to-earth and wonderfully caring folk who make a huge impact on those they come into contact with. Not only are that, but they are also out saving lives every day (yup, they are both doctors) and in their spare time they look amazing in my photo’s. :)
The day spent with them was an absolute treat, and I know that all the guests would agree with me! They are very close with their families, and the special bond they have with their parents and siblings is an inspiring one to behold. Daniel en Maretha mag julle altyd God se liefde, genade en guns ervaar in julle lewens, en veral in julle huwelik. Mag julle nooit op hou lag, en goeie tyd saam hê nie. Dankie dat julle my gevra het om julle foto’s te doen- dit was rerig ‘n groot eer vir my! Baie blessings en liefde vir julle xxx
Huge dankie ook aan Natasha Vermaak wat my geassisteer het op die dag! Jy was amazing- en ek kan nog steeds nie glo jy het uitgehelp al was jy swanger! So baie dankie weereens :)

Pragtige foto’s van ‘n pragtige familie, Baie geluk!