Two beautiful people, completely in love, in gorgeous golden hour light…I could not ask for better! The fact that they are both some of the nicest people alive in the world today; is a huge added blessing and made my job of shooting their wedding so incredibly easy and pleasant! Johnnie and Jacomien are fun, kind, and genuine people with a passion for serving the Lord. To say they are well loved and appreciated by many is a complete understatement.
The day spent at Groenrivier Wedding venue in Riebeeck West capturing the love that is between these two was a sincerely enjoyable one. And I knew it would be when we met up for our first meeting. We could not stop talking about any and every thing. They are just those “lekker mense” as one would say in Afrikaans.
Johnnie en Jacomien- ek weet julle huwelik gaan ‘n geseënde ene wees, want dit is gebou op die Rots. Mag julle nooit julle oë van Hom afhaal nie- en mag Hy aanhou om julle te lei in ‘n dieper en meer intieme verhouding met Hom, en met mekaar. Hou aan om julle liggies so helder te laat skyn- dit’s wonderlik om te sien.
Baie blessings vir julle xxx
Thanks too for Natasha for helping me out on the day, and for being right hand (wo)man in getting the shots of Johnnie and his groomsmen before the time- much appreciated! :)

Jy is net so verskriklik talentVol. Fotos is so mooi en die agtergrond en detail amazing.