Pieter and Tereza are married!!! Yay! :) And what a truly special wedding this was. Tereza and I met in first year through a mutual friend Squiggy, and together with a bunch of really cool folk we went on a roadtrip up along the east coast. We had so much fun, and I grew very fond of Tereza in a short space of time. But over the years we lost contact, and when I received her inquiry form last year- I was so excited. Not only because we were also in contact again, but also because she was marrying the man the Lord had placed in her life, her absolute best friend and love of her life.
It was so good catching up and hearing what the Lord had done in her life, and is busy doing. When we met for the second meeting, Pieter joined us. My goodness, what a good oke! :) Seeing the gentle way he treats Tereza, and how he absolutely dotes on her, brought a big smile to my face. Knowing my friend is so loved and appreciated was a great comfort.
She looked so radiant on her wedding day in a dress designed and fitted by Magda Grove, and accesorized with a big smile that Pieter put there. Full of good humour, and genuine concern for those around them- this couple light up a room.
Pieter en Tereza- Mag julle huwelik ‘n ongelooflike geseënde ene wees gevul met Jesus se genade, liefde en absolute vrede. Mag julle nooit vergeet hoe oneindig lief is Pappa God vir julle nie, en mag die pret en lag tussen julle nooit op hou nie. Dankie dat ek kon deel wees van julle lekker dag, julle is awesome!
Baie liefde en blessings xxx
Thanks too to my amazing assistant and friend Natasha for helping out on the day! :)

Lindy, you are incredibly talented and blessed with an unique vision. One that people will sought after, be inspired, moved and changed by. thank you so much!
ps: Pieter asks why he still has a double chin?
LINDY!!! hierdie is SOOoo mooi, ek love jou styl!!! Hou dit so :)
dankie vir jou wonderlike foto’s van ons kinders – dis wonderskoon!!!