What a jol this wedding was! I know Bianca from Varsity days and ever since I met her “oppimat” in first year- she has struck me as a beautiful, bubbly, and confident young lady who lives life to the full. Since we left varsity, we hadn’t seen each other but kept up to date with one another’s lives via Facebook :) During these years she met and fell in love with Paul, and had a gorgeous baby girl called Paige. (Who I admit whoo’ed me over immediately with her cuteness and as a result is in most of the pictures on this blog! ;) So as time moved along they decided to get married and I was lucky enough to be asked by Bi if I wouldn’t do her and Paul’s photo’s. Ah man, it was so good to see her again and spend such a special day with her and her amazing loved ones! I only met Paul on the day but immediately picked up on his good sense of humour and could see that he takes good care of his two girls.
Both Paul and Bi’s families are such welcoming and homely people and along with their friends they partied up a storm! Nicola Jane the friendly coordinator of the day made sure everything ran off smoothly and Salt + Pepper Catering created such a delicious meal- I think I may have drooled slightly. :) Minke du Plessis did a great job with Bi’s hair and make up, and I also enjoyed working alongside Jacques and Chanè from 25 weddings videography again. MT (Diamants venue manager) very graciously helped pull my car out when I got stuck during location scouting! For which I am SO grateful! Dankie MT!
To my assistant Nikkie- Thanks so much for all your help and getting the shots of Paul and the guys whilst I was busy with Bi’s bridal shoot. As always, you were an absolute treat to have around!
To Paul and Bi- May your marriage be such a happy and blessed one, filled with so much love, grace and peace. I know Paige has already brought so much joy into your lives, and I hope that joy is multiplied times a 1000 with every day that goes by. Keep laughing and sharing life together- it’s so cool to see. Lots and lots of love xxx

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