The quaint little town of Riebeek Kasteel holds a special place in Mark and Lissa’s hearts, and so was the obvious choice when it came to deciding where the wedding would be held. Connoisseurs of good food and wine, this lovely couple spoiled their guests with an array of delicious dishes, that was paired with some of the best wines in South Africa. The whole day was so to say a lazy lunch in which the 8 courses were enjoyed, ending with a party at the end. I think the guests must have rolled out of the reception on their way back home, because my goodness- was there a feast laid out before them!
I just couldn’t get enough of the little flower girls, and must admit- they kinda dominate this blogpost- but can you blame me? They were just too cute!
We sneaked out just before the sunset, so we could capture one of Mark and Lissa’s favorite views of Riebeek Kasteel and get some nice couple shoot pics before they headed back to the party.
Mark and Lissa, all the best of luck with your move down to the Cape. I trust that your marriage will be a strong and blessed one filled with so much love and laughter. Hope to see you around in our valley again! much love and many blessings, Lindy
Thanks again to my phenomenal assistant Tash- was once again great to work with you by my side.

Service Providers
- Venue and Catering: The Royal Hotel |
- Photographic Assistant: Natasha Taljard |
Wonderful meMories of a very special day.