Meet the Ott family. They live next door to us, on our family farm in Graaff Reinet, and they are some of the strongest and most courageous people I know. Layla is the cutest bundle of joy around- and my goodness is this little one a blessing! She has a way of walking into the room and effortlessly brightening it up with her smile and adorable giggle. She has so much love to give and without a doubt is one of my favourite 2 year olds in the history of ever!
Joseph and Katanja are no fuss, down to earth people who care a great deal for those around them, and one always walks away richer for being in their company. Earlier this year, they gave birth to a beautiful baby brother for little Layla. Unfortunately though, he was born with a hole in the heart. The doctors gave him a few hours to live, but this brave little boy held on for close to three whole months. It was in this time that Kat contacted me to do a family shoot; but by the time I was in the Eastern Cape again, little Kyle had sadly passed. We decided to go ahead with the shoot as planned and would have the loving memory of Kyle represented with a rose.
The time spent with these three incredible people that afternoon was probably some of the most memorable time spent for me as a photographer. Life is such a precious gift- one that needs to be celebrated and treasured with the loved ones around you. It was here that I was reminded again just how blessed and fortunate I am to witness these special moments and to try, in some way, to capture them on camera. Their loss has been huge and unbearable but together Joseph and Kat, have bravely taken on every day as it comes. Their braveheart little Kyle lives on in their hearts and will forever be remembered for the amazing way he touched their lives.
Kat and Ott, I pray God’s peace and comfort in this vulnerable and hard-to-understand time. May you be filled with a hope everlasting as you take on each new day. Hope to see you guys again real soon! All my love, Lindy

The moment when dad’s hugs get bypassed because the photographer’s assistant is offering Rascal sweets… priceless!

Service Providers
- Friendly Assistant for the day : Chelsea Goldman |
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