” Being a family means you are a part of something very wonderful. It means you will love and be loved for the rest of your life. “
– Anonymous –
Meet the Kirsten Family: Dad Altus, Mom Anel, and brothers Nicolaas and Thomas. I spent an afternoon with the Kirsten’s on their family farm in Paarl, capturing these happy memories as they unfolded before my eyes. We had to postpone the shoot a few times because of bad weather, pink eye, unexpected work appointments and colds etc, but on the 5th try- we managed to make it work, and the shoot eventually took place! #uithou #aanhou #wen!
Aan Altus en Anel- baie dankie vir die fantastiese tyd saam met julle- Ek het dit so baie geniet! Mag God julle ryklik seën as gesin en mag julle vir altyd hierdie spesiale oomblike tussen julle koester! Nicolaas en Thomas is gelukkig om sulke wonderlike ouers soos julle te he. Baie blessings xxx

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