Leroi and Suzane’s wedding celebration was a small and intimate one with only their closest of friends and family in attendance. Set amongst Durbanville’s rolling hills, Eureka Onthale’s garden, was the perfect spot the for this lazy lunchtime affair spent celebrating the union of these two wonderful people.
We rearranged the normal schedule and timings of the day so that we could have the best light for the couple shoot. This meant that Leroi and Suzane could spend the most time with their guests, and after everyone had left- didn’t have to worry about holding up any more formalities by doing their couple shoot.
These two love birds are quiet and reserved people who care deeply about those around them. They have an amazing way with one another and their families are really very special to them!
Aan Leroi en Suzane, ek bid die Here se rykste seen oor julle huwelik! Mag julle elke dag in Sy vrede, vreugde en liefde stap- en mag julle nooit vergeet hoe lief Hy julle het nie! Dankie vir ‘n spesiale dag, en VREESLIK baie dankie vir die goodie hamper wat julle vir my en Natasha mee geseën het- was nie nodig nie, maar opreg waardeer! Julle is die beste :)
Dan ook ‘n groot dankie aan Natasha wat my vriendlike helper was vir die dag! :)

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