Today is a very special day. It is the day that 29 years ago the Lord saw fit to bring this here wonderful lady into the world, so that all these years later I would have a best friend to share life with.
He knew that I would need someone to annoy, and be annoyed by so that iron can sharpen iron and shape us both to become more like Him. He knew that I would need someone to laugh with so that I wasn’t the only one cackling in the room at awkward moments as they happen- often awkward moments that we ourselves had created. He knew that I would need someone who’s office I could walk into when I am bored and over work, and distract them into being just as unproductive as myself. He also knew to provide that someone with a random steel work ethic that would tell me at the right time to quit bothering her and get back to to my own work. He knew I would need someone who’s too tired sometimes to speak coherently so that I can use the line “use your words” on. In his brilliance, He also knew to create her with a love for coffee and a dedication to making a good cup so that when we get visitors- I don’t have to make it (because I suck at making coffee). He knew that I would need someone whose shoulder I could cry on when life threw me all sorts of unpleasant surprises, and to make her wise beyond her years, so that when I needed guidance or encouragement- she would be there to share it in love. He knew to fortify their relationship together, so that it would be a great example for me. He knew that I would need someone who could keep me accountable for decisions I make, and to make sure that my relationship with Him would remain solid and the first priority always. He created her full of character, integrity, and fight. As feminine as a flower, but as tough as nails with a love for good leather, blues music, whiskey and vintage motorbikes. She is beautiful, inside and out (sure she even has a pretty liver and kidneys) and it is an absolute privilege to have her as my housemate, friend and sister in Christ.
I am so proud to call her one of my best friends and I stand in awe of the amazing talent she possesses as artist and entrepreneur. Not only is she a ridiculously phenomenal illustrator- but she is so darn humble about it too. (Check out her work on Instagram @claudia_liebenberg).
The Lord knew exactly what personality traits and talents to place in her so that she not only enriched my life and the lives of so many others around her, but that she would bring glory to His name in everything she does. And that is the one thing I think I admire about her most… By looking at her, you see some of Him.
Happy birthday Clauds! Jy’s nogals legit en goeters.

Biggest fan of you both!!!! What a legend. Love these pics… linds only you could capture her in a way that shows just how damn Cool this lady is. So much love for both of you. Claude you are incredible.
Ahhh, thanks Immie!! <3 <3 <3
skim! How am i only reading your conment now? Love you, you golden human
mooiste mens en die mooiste foto’s wow wow wow! Power combo! love dit!
Oh so special
BEAUTIFUL!! Love both you special ladies!