Hugo and Melanie are from South Africa, but have been living in London for the last few years. I met up with them and their gorgeous kiddies, Bismark and Mieke, during my trip there earlier in September. My goodness, are these quality people! I spent the most amazing afternoon with them in the Epping Forests, capturing some happy moments as they transpired in front of my camera.
Dankie julle vir ‘n ongelooflike lekker tyd. Sjoe- na daai dag voel ek of julle jare al lank ken. Julle is so opregte, vriendlike en vrygewige mense. Dankie vir julle oop harte! Kom vinnig weer terug SA toe- ons land mis julle! :) Baie liefde en groete van die huis af xxx

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