“For all the things my hands have held, the best by far is you.”
Renier and Elmarie met and fell in love during their student years at Stellenbosch University and got married soon after. They now live on Renier’s family farm just outside Humansdorp in the Eastern Cape and have a gorgeous little daughter called Mila. Ag man, she is just the cutest little nu nu and the three of them make the most gorgeous family!!
They came down to Stellenbosch at the end of last year for a bit of a holiday and to visit with granny- and decided that while they are here they might just as well have a quick photo shoot. I met them at Elmarie’s mom’s place in De Zalze estate, and we frolicked about in some long grass next to a beautiful dam for the rest of the afternoon.
Aan die Meyer gesin- julle is pragtig! Wat ‘n voorreg om julle te kon ontmoet en ‘n paar kiekies van julle te kon neem! Mag die Here julle seën in oorvloed en mag jul jare saam gevul wees met soveel liefde, vreugde, vrede, en guns van Bo. Baie liefde en baie groete xxx
Dankie ook aan Juny wat my geassisteer het vir die dag- jy is awesome! :)

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