As photographer I have truly been blessed with some of the most amazing clients over the years. I know most of you photographers would say the same about yours- but seriously- I think mine win hands down. I have made them climb up, down, around and through things that most people are not meant to got through in their wedding attire- and they all take it in their stride! (Haha- as I am typing this- I am thinking I must be the worst photographer to put my clients through this!) What we don’t do for photo’s!
Anyhoo…You know you have great clients when they allow you to take them to a rather freaky, abandoned refinery for their photo’s and they even climb awkward-life-threatening-ladders and walk through thick layers of dust just to get there. Then they put up with a man made dust storm (for a cool effect in the photo’s)- even though they both get hay fever sometimes! Not only that but they are just so friendly and wonderful throughout the whole day that you end up feeling like you have known them all your life, and that they are just the kindest souls around. THEN, when you get back home, you find a care package with chocolate and wine to say thank you and keep you company whilst you edit! I mean- what even!? #toldyouIhadthebestclients
Gareth and Maxine- thank you for your patience and kindness, and just all round wonderfulness! I thoroughly enjoyed having you guys in front of my lens, both at your engagement shoot and on your wedding day, and wish you all the best for your married life together. I know the Lord has great things in store for you and I’m excited to see what they are. May your marriage be an exciting, happy, content, and truly blessed one. Sending lots and lots of love xxx
Thanks too to Tash who assisted me on the day- you are beyond amazing!

Service Providers
- Venue and Catering: Au D'Hex Wellington |
- Make up and Hair: Marzaan Lotz |
- Photographic assistant: Natasha Taljard |
This is the best,pragtige herinneringe vasgevang vir n leeftyd,well done ,beautifull bride and groom,congratulations!!!!!