A wedding day is one filled with expectation of the new season which is to come, yet also a celebration of that which has already been and which has brought two people thus far. This wedding was no exception, and was filled with touching moments which reminded all present of how precious family is. Jurie and Delmari are two individuals who love their family and friends dearly. Their wedding day was one of fun and laughter, but also a special time of celebrating memories of Delmari’s mom who had passed away recently. The speeches were truly a heartwarming time of seeing how family and friends lock shields with this newly married couple about to venture out on this journey of marriage.
Jurie fell in love with this pretty girl who was already a Groenewald when he met her – graciously saving her loads of admin changing official papers, and allowing her to keep her signature! But not only did these two already have a surname in common, but their mutual “carpe diem” attitude makes me quite excited for the journey they will share together.
Mag die Here julle twee’tjies uit julle skoene uit seën! Dankie vir die wonderlike mense wat julle is en vir die lewens lus wat julle het. Mag julle huwelik ‘n baie gelukkige ene wees vol lekker tye en avonture saam. Baie liefde en groete xxx
Thanks too to Marelise, my bubbly sunshine assistant on the day :)

Ongelooflike mooi fotos. Magic oomblikke is pragtig vasgele
Die dierbare rabbedoe dogtertjie wat voor ons grootgeword het, was so ‘n pragtige bruidjie – sy het ons asems weggeslaan. Pragtige fotos om julle vir altyd aan julle spesiale dag te herinner – baie dankie dat ons dit saam met jul kon deel.
Pragtige fotos, pragtige mense.