What an unforgettable, out-of-this-world experience this was! From beginning to end of the weekend, I had to keep pinching myself to see if this was all actually real! Matt and Renee hosted the most phenomenal wedding at Lion Sands Game Reserve for their friends and family, who flew from all across the world to come celebrate with them- and I was lucky enough to capture some of the special moments on camera! The guests were treated to the most spectacular game drives and got up really close and personal to a whole host of beautifully wild creatures. I now finally understand what the big hype is about going on Private game drives with guides. My mind was blown how close we got to Leopard, Rhino, Lions, Elephants and all sorts of other wildlife- my word!
Matt and Renee- thanks for the wonderful and unique privilege to capture your wedding! I loved seeing how you dote on Renee, Matt- and how she absolutely blossoms under you care! Renee you are beyond gorgeous, inside and out! I also loved seeing how invested you both are in all of your friends and family’s lives. What a special thing- keep it up! May your marriage be a wonderfully blessed and content one! Sending lots of love and blessings to you in Dubai xxx
To Tash, the most amazing phenomenal assistant in the whole world- was so special having you there with this one! :)

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