Fun, adventurous, spontaneous, quirky, bubbly, super creative, real, insanely beautiful inside and out. These are just some of the words that immediately rush to my mind when I think of one of my heroes in the photography industry, Lizelle Lötter. (Her work is really amazing! Go check it out here: )
On top of that she is one of the nicest people you will meet and over the last year or so I’ve had the privilege to get to know her a bit better, and am blessed to now call her my friend.
Every now and then us as photographers also need to get in front of the camera (so that we know what our clients normally feel like, you know) and to get some updated images for our business pages while we are at it. When thinking of the type of photo’s that best represent Lizelle- we decided to go for fun and colourful! From parking out in front of a bougainvillea bush in Stellenbosch to frolicking between the colourful walls of Bo-Kaap, we did not stop laughing the whole way through the shoot. What an absolute treat having this beautiful lady in front of my camera.
Zellie- jy is ‘n fees! Mag jou besigheid gaan van krag tot krag en mag die Here jou seën in elke opsig van jou lewe. Dit is amazing om te sien hoe jy voluit leef vir Hom en hoe Hy jou talent gebruik om Sy liefde, goedheid en glorie te wys aan soveel mense! baie liefde en blessings xxx
Thanks too to Fanie (my amazing boyfriend) who played the role of assistant and “wind creator” for those “wind in the hair shots”. :)

Service Providers
- Make Up: Madeleen Health and Beauty Studio |
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