What a joy to have spent time with this beautiful family in the blossoming town of Joubertina. My husband and Stefan worked together many years ago, and have remained friends ever since. As the years ticked by, Stefan married the gorgeous Petro, and last year they welcomed their darling daughter Isabelle into the world. As celebration of her 1 year birthday, they decided to have a family shoot done…but because we hadn’t seen one another for so long, we decided to combine it into a weekend visit too!
Stefan, Petro en Isabelle- wat ‘n voorreg om julle te ken en om tyd saam met julle te spandeer. Julle is sulke groot blessing en ons is baie erg oor julle. Ek kan nie oor dit kom hoe belaglik fotogenies julle is as ‘n gesin nie…my word!!
Mag die Here julle as ouers lei in wysheid, liefde, geduld en waarheid soos julle vir Isabelle groot maak. En mag sy aanhou soveel vreugde en liefde in julle lewens in bring. My gebed vir julle is van 1 Korintiërs 15:58: “Therefore, my beloved brothers and sisters, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain.”
Baie liefde en baie groete xxx

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