Holy Smokeroo’s- this family is gorgeous, and I got entirely too trigger happy on this shoot! Haha! But can you blame me?
We were meant to do this shoot at the end of March, but Candice messaged the night of the 11th of March asking if there is any small chance that we could do the shoot the next day. And boy am I glad that she messaged, and that I was available to move the shoot earlier! Because we had THE most insane sunrise, and light on the day- with not a breath of wind. And Wihan still had all his front teeth! Haha- two weeks later, on the date we were meant to have the shoot- his front tooth came out.
Jeffrey’s Bay faces the east coast, so to get any nice sun over the sea shots- you need to wake up for sunrise. Which in March is around 6ish- not too early thankfully! But a rough night with a teething baby resulted in me pressing snooze a few times too many on my alarm that morning- and I only awoke 5:45! Giving me only 15 minutes to get dressed, get my gear and drive to Kabeljauws! I met the Van Rooyen Family (who were looking all bright eyed and bushy tailed) right on time thankfully, and off we went running from one pretty spot to another capturing happy memories of them along the way.
Christo en Candice- julle is ‘n amazing span en jul seuns is so geseend om julle as hulle ouers te he! Mag hulle julle so baie vreugde bring oor die jare en mag die Here julle elke dag die wysheid en genade gee om hulle reg groot te maak. Weereens so baie dankie vir ‘n heerlike tyd saam julle! Blessings, Lindy x

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