This couple, and their story hold a very special place in my heart. After years of trying and praying for a little one, with some heartbreak miscarriages along the way- they finally fell pregnant with this darling girl who is due to be born any day now! Her name is to be Eliana, which means “God answered my prayer”. How gorgeous is that?
Suné en Monrae- ek kan nie wag om hierdie prinsessie te ontmoet nie!!! Eliana is al klaar so geliefd, en ek weet sommer julle gaan fantastiese ouers maak. Ons bid vir julle en vertrou die bevalling sal baie geseend wees. Mag die Here jul krag en wysheid gee, en tonne genade deur die newborn fase. Baie liefde in Christus xxx
(The stunning dress that Suné is wearing is from Dressed by Swallows.)

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