So for you folks that don’t know me, I have a very serious, and untreated condition. I get rather “trigger happy”. (On the camera of course, not with guns…unless your talking about the guns I have developed carrying around my heavy cameras! haha…Da dumsbch!)
But no seriously. I can’t stop taking pics- especially when I have such lovely people in front of my lens. It’s always “just one more photo, because this is so beautiful.” In shooting. In editing. In posting. I just can’t help myself. And I should really try, because the hours in post production can get rather long when it comes to sorting, selecting, editing, choosing and posting.
But this family- they are just my favourite! From the doting older sister, to the ridiculously cute “I’m going to make you all laugh, so you can’t ever be upset with me” younger sister. To the picture perfect newborn, and his wise and caring parents. They all made for such special and heart-warming pics. I am so grateful to the Lord for blessing our family with such special friends!
Bisschoffs – julle maak die lewe hier op Riversdal lekker! Mag die Here julle gesin ryklik seën soos julle Hom vertrou, volg, en vasklou aan Sy woord en waarheid.
Lief vir julle!

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